Ljubljana z okolico je pravljična dežela za vsakogar, ki se želi v naravo potopiti s kolesa, pravi kolesarski raj. Ni veliko mest v Evropi, kjer lahko človek v tako kratkem času zamenja urbano okolje z bogato zgodovino za povsem drug svet. Včasih se zdi, da v Ljubljani živimo v dveh svetovih: v čudovitem mestu in hkrati v vzporednem svetu, le za lučaj stran, kjer se nam zdi, da se je čas ustavil.
Veseli bomo, če se boste z nami popeljali v ta vzporedni svet, kjer je življenje povsem drugačno in iz katerega se bomo vrnili kot prerojeni.

The Velika planina plateau, the Alps on the margin of the city

Among the cow's bell and rich history!

The world, which disappears elsewhere, is set here for eternity, no matter how man views it.

A mysterious queen who sleeps in the lap of the Kamnik Alps.





The Velika planina plateau is one of the most beautiful areas of the picturesque Kamnik Alps. Nowadays it is famous for its pastures, caught among the alpine peaks, but the history of the area is stunning. It is hard to believe, but the mountainous pastures had been exploited in the prehistoric times. Kamnik and its surroundings were settled in the neolithic period. It has been continuously settled from the early Stone Age on. The Velika planina has always been closely knit with the town and the villages on its slopes.

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Rašica or around the hill on the margin of the city

Primaeval forest among the beautiful fields

Shorter cycling trips between green fields and peaceful villages

Beautiful mountain paths where you will be refreshed





The plain spreading from the city towards the north, towards the Kamnik and the Julian Alps, is just the right thing for short cycling trips between green fields and the quiet villages, where the rhythm of life is completely different than in the modern bustling urban Ljubljana.

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The Ljubljana marshes – a fairy tale on the outskirts of the capital

Extraordinary landscape, which has been created by human over the centuries

Zoological garden in the wild

Area protected as a natural park





Across the Alps into the Logar valley

Away from city and crowded places

Challenging climb with amazing view

15 min walk to waterfall Rinka

Luggage transport included

40-70 km/day

4 days

